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发布日期:2015-09-21 作者: 编辑: 点击:







1) 吉林省科技发展计划项目(No. 20200201221JC), “油页岩有氧热解过程中自生热及传热机理研究”,负责人;

2) 吉林省教育厅“十三五”科学技术项目,(No. JJKH20201004KJ),“干热岩钻探抗高温成膜钻井液稳定井壁研究”,负责人;

3) 国家自然科学基金No. 51604123)“油页岩中干酪根催化热分解特性及动力学研究”,负责人;

4) 深部地热资源(含干热岩)勘查与开发利用,(No. SF2017-5-(4-6)),子课题负责人;

5) 吉林省青年科研基金(No. 20150520073JH),矿物骨架及改性对油页岩有机质催化热解行为研究,负责人 


[1]Fengtian Bai, Yumin Liu, Cheng Lai, Youhong Sun, Junxian Wang, Pingchang Sun, Linfu Xue, Jinmin Zhao, and Mingyi Guo*, Thermal Degradations and Processes of Four Kerogens via Thermogravimetric−Fourier-Transform Infrared: Pyrolysis Performances, Products, and Kinetics, Energy & Fuels 2020, 34, 2969−2979.

[2]Fengtian Bai, Youhong Sun, Yumin Liu*, Mingyi Guo*, Jinmin Zhao, Characteristics and Kinetics of Huadian Oil Shale Pyrolysis via Non-isothermal Thermogravimetric and Gray Relational Analysis, Combustion Science and Technology, 2020, 192 (3), 471-485.

[3]Wei Guo, Qinchuan Yang , Youhong Sun, Shaotao Xu , Shijie Kang , Cheng Lai, Mingyi Guo*, Characteristics of low temperature co-current oxidizing pyrolysis of Huadian oil shale, Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2020, 146, 104759.

[4]李颖,谭现锋,韩炜超,李铠君,郭明义, 耐240℃高温水基成膜钻井液的室内研究, 钻井液与完井液,2019, 36 (5), 548-554。

[5]韩炜超,李颖,谭现锋,郭明义,徐会文,甲基硅酸盐抑制粘土水化性能及机理,探矿工程(岩土钻掘工程), 2018, 45(11), 19-23。

[6]Youhong Sun, Xianfeng Tan, Huanan Liu, Huiwen Xu, Qingnan Meng, Mingyi Guo*, Colloidal Carbon Beads as Lubricant Additives in Water Based Drilling Fluid, International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering, 2017,10(04), 787-792.

[7]Fengtian Bai, Youhong Sun*, Yumin Liu, Mingyi Guo*, Evaluation of the porous structure of Huadian oil shale during pyrolysis using multiple approaches, Fuel, 2017,187, 1-8.

[8]Fengtian Bai, Youhong Sun*, Yumin Liu, Baochang Liu, Mingyi Guo*, Xiaoshu Lü, Wei Guo, Qiang Li, Chuanbin Hou, Qiuwen Wang, Kinetic investigation on partially oxidized Huadian oil shale by thermogravimetric analysis, Oil Shale,2014, 31 377-393.

[9]Fengtian Bai, Wei Guo*, Xiaoshu Lü, Yumin Liu, Mingyi Guo, Qiang Li, Youhong Sun*, Kinetic study on the pyrolysis behavior of Huadian oil shale via non-isothermal thermogravimetric data, Fuel, 2015, 146, 111-118.

[10]Fengtian Bai, Youhong Sun*, Yumin Liu, Qiang Li, Mingyi Guo, Thermal and kinetic characteristics of pyrolysis and combustion of three oil shales, Energy Conversion and Management, 2015, 97, 374-381.

[11]Youhong Sun, Fengtian Bai*, Xiaoshu Lü, Chunxia Jia, Qing Wang*, Mingyi Guo, Qiang Li, Wei Guo*, Kinetic study of Huadian oil shale combustion using a multi-stage parallel reaction model, Energy, 2015, 82, 705-713.

[12]Youhong Sun, Fengtian Bai*, Baochang Liu, Yumin Liu, Mingyi Guo*, Wei Guo, Qiuwen Wang, Xiaoshu Lü, Fang Yang, Yang Yang, Characterization of the oil shale products derived via topochemical reaction method, Fuel, 2014,115, 338-346.

[13]You-Hong Sun*, Feng-Tian Bai*, Xiao-Shu Lü, Qiang Li, Yu-Min Liu, Ming-Yi Guo, Wei Guo, Bao-Chang Liu, A Novel Energy-Efficient Pyrolysis Process: Self-pyrolysis of Oil Shale Triggered by Topochemical Heat in a Horizontal Fixed Bed, Scientific Reports, 2015, 5, 8290.





